LPSC is a social community of active members with many social activities as well as snowboarding and skiing. We wish to establish a sense of community for young and old who appreciate an active life. The Club provides a forum where people who enjoy each other can do interesting things that they enjoy. We continue the tradition of the ski club and create vibrant activities to build community. And most of all, we want to have a good time!
LPSC is built out of the Los Padres Ski Club, which was established in 1937 by Ventura County visionaries dedicated to the budding sport of downhill skiing. They secured a land lease in the Los Padres National Forest, located west of Frasier Park, and built a rope tow, powered by a gasoline engine, and erected a small warming hut. Over the ensuing years, the rope tow gradually fell into disuse as ski areas were developed throughout the state. All that remains is the hut’s slab and the “bull wheel” with its supporting structure. But the spirit and dedication exhibited by our founders is just as evident today as it was then.
In 2025, the Club remade ourselves into LPSC and broaden our mission to appeal to more like-minded folks. We still plan ski trips, but we spend much more time on social activities, outdoor activities, traveling, exploring cultural resources, and making connections within the community.
Come check us out and make new memories!